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HT-670x Series - Humidity Transmitter

Warranty:  N/A

ProductID:  6464886bc67a8871cd52816a

(0 Reviews)

The HT-670x Series Humidity Transmitters are intended to provide input to equipment under normal operating conditions. Where failure or malfunction of an HT-670x Series transmitter could lead to an abnormal operating condition that could cause personal injury or damage to the equipment or other property, other devices (limit or safety controls) or systems (alarm or supervisory) intended to warn of, or protect against, failure or malfunction of the HT-670x Series transmitter must be incorporated into and maintained as part of the control system.

CSI Specifications
  • 23 09 13.23 Sensors and Transmitters
  • 23 09 13 Instrumentation and Control Devices for HVAC
  • 23 09 00 Instrumentation and Control for HVAC
  • 23 00 00 Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC)